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SAE India Student Events

SAE India Student Events

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SAE India Student Events

SAEINDIA is India's leading resource for mobility technology. As an individual member-driven society of mobility practitioners the ownership of SAEINDIA wrests with its members who are Individuals from the mobility community, which includes Engineers Executives from Industry, Government Officials, Academics and Students

SAEINDIA is a strategic alliance partner of SAE International registered in India as an Indian nonprofit engineering and scientific society dedicated to the advancement of mobility industry in India

SAE India with its four sections (Bengaluru, Northern & Eastern, Southern and Western) covering entire India, organizing various events for the benefit of Engineering Student community.

Find all the student events of SAE INDIA, Participate and gain practical experience by doing.

1. Tractor Design Competition 2020:

Engineering students entering the industry will be equipped with practical knowledge and design experience. Prepares the students to be effective professional engineers.

Tractor Design Competition tasks the students to think, analyse, design, develop, build, test and present a tractor in series of event.

Unique Engineering Design Competition for Students with a realistic 360-degree workplace experience.

Students gain practical technical experience in the areas

  • Design of drive train systems

  • Tractor performance

  • Manufacturing processes

  • Analysis of tractive forces


Students develop skills in

  • Communication

  • Leadership

  • Teamwor



  • Team Size: Minimum of 20 members and Maximum of 25 members.

  • Registration Fee: Rs. 30,000/- + GST per team (Once Team is Registered your Amount will not be Refund)


Awards/Prizes (First/Second/Third):

  • Overall Performance: INR 1,50,000/75,000/50,000

  • Best Design: INR 25,000/15,000/10,000

  • Best Maneuverability: INR 25,000/15,000/10,000

  • Best Durability: INR 25,000/15,000/10,000


For More details, follow the link:



The BAJA SAE Series® is an event for the undergraduate engineering students, organized globally by the Society of Automotive Engineers, USA. The event originated in the name of Mini - BAJA, in the year 1976 at University of Carolina. Since then, the event has spanned across six countries – USA, Mexico, South Africa, Korea, Brazil and India.


The BAJA SAE tasks the students to design, fabricate and validate a single seater four - wheeled off road vehicle to take part in series of events spread over a course of 3 days that test the vehicle for the sound engineering practices that have gone into it, the agility of the vehicle in terms of gradability, speed, acceleration and manoeuvrability characteristics and finally its ability to endure that back breaking durability test.

How to Participate:

  • All participating teams should have all the members with SAEINDIA Student membership in either 4+1 or 3+1 or 2+1 or 1+1 Scheme and should represent an SAEINDIA Collegiate Club. For Collegiate club details please visit


  • After Forming collegiate club teams will register for the first phase of the event i.e Virtual BAJA by registering online. Virtual BAJA is screening round for the main BAJA event. After qualifying Virtual round teams will prepare for next phase by fabricating the ATV.

  • For more details, follow the link:



SUPRA is being organised annually by SAEINDIA with the support of Maruti Suzuki, the event provides a platform for students to apply their engineering skills to design and construct a Formula category vehicle as per defined performance and safety specifications. SUPRA SAEINDIA comprised of a series of Static and Dynamic events spread over five days, concluding with a final Endurance run and a valedictory function.

Static Events Includes:

  • Marketing Presentation

  • Engineering Design

  • Cost Evaluation

Dynamic Events Includes:

  • Acceleration Event

  • Skid-Pad Event

  • Autocross Event

  • Endurance


The SUPRA SAEINDIA events consists a total of 1000 points distributed evenly in the different static and dynamic events.

For more details, follow the link:


4. Aero Design Challenge:

The purpose of the SAEISS Aero Design Challenge is to promote and develop Indian expertise and experience in unmanned systems technologies at the university and college levels. Even small scale unmanned vehicles are complex systems requiring a well planned and executed design approach. In addition, safety considerations are important factors in this competition as in any other vehicle design project.



  • Students must have SAEINDIA Membership in order to participate in the competition

  • A team should have a maximum 7 Student members and one Faculty advisor

  • More than one team is allowed from the same institute




Awards/Prizes (First/Second/Third):


Overall Performance Awards:

  • Regular Class: INR 1,00,000/50,000/25,000

  • Micro Class: INR 1,00,000/50,000/25,000


Regular Class & Micro Class:

  • Best Design: INR 10,000/10,000/10,000

  • Best Technical Presentation: INR 10,000/10,000/10,000

  • Best Innovation: INR 10,000/10,000/10,000


For more details, follow the link:


5. SAE India Student Convention:

Student Convention is special in the Calendar of SAEINDIA Southern Section as this involves the stake holders of the future, our student community.  During the past 10 years the convention has been growing in size and popularity as this enables us to engage large sections of our student members through competitions and events spread over 3 Tiers viz, College level(Tier 1), Divisional level (Tier 2)  and Main Convention(Tier 3).


The convention keeps the following broad objectives:

  • Celebration of Success (of yearlong activities that happen at collegiate clubs)

  • Showcasing student abilities(Technical, Design, Fabrication, Problem Solving)

  • Experience sharing and networking (belief in collective and fraternal growth)

  • Motivating students to take up automotive sciences as career.


They conduct regular and surprise events which includes but not limited to vehicle technologies, design, latest trends and so on. The number of regular events may go up to 50nos.


For more details, follow the link:


6. SAE India Bicycle Design Competition:

Bicycle design competition is launched with the objective of give a first-hand opportunity to our student members to Conceive Design, Implement and Operate a Product from Scratch. When it comes to enabling student members to build competencies, which make the students as industry ready engineers.

Bicycle design competition will give opportunity to provide undergraduate engineering students with a real-life engineering challenge. It has been designed to provide exposure to the kinds of situations that engineers face in their real-life work environment.

First and foremost a design competition, students will find themselves performing trade studies and making compromises to arrive at a design solution that will optimally meet the requirements while still conforming to the configuration limitations.

Participant will gain rich technical and soft skills through conceive, design and develop a prototype of bicycle.



Participant’s Requirements:

  • Eligibility Limits: Eligibility is limited to undergraduate students to ensure this is an engineering competition. Individual members of teams participating in this competition must satisfy the following requirements.

  • Student Status: Team members must be enrolled as degree seeking undergraduate student in Engineering Institution (Engineering colleges/Universities). Team members who have already graduated prior to the competition are NOT eligible to participate.

  • Society Membership: Team members must be members of SAE INDIA. Proof of membership, such as a valid membership card, is required during the final   event. Those interested may join SAEINDIA at: .

  • Age: Team members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age at the time of the competition.

  • Team Size: A team can have a maximum of 5 members. It is preferable that the team has good representation of students from 2nd, 3rd, or 4 th year
    and from various department like mechanical /production / automotive etc.


Awards/Prizes (First/Second/Third):

  • Overall Performance: INR 50,000/25,000/15,000

  • Best Design: INR 10,000/7,500/5,500

  • Best Maneuverability: INR 10,000/7,500/5,500

  • Best Endurance: INR 10,000/7,500/5,500

  • Best Presentation: INR 10,000/7,500/5,500

  • Special Awards: INR 10,000/5,000/3,000


For more details, follow the link:


7. SAE India aSOP:

As you may be aware, SAEINDIA is the largest affiliate of SAE International which is a 112 years old society. Our vision is to advance mobility community to serve humanity. We are a knowledge based society providing life-long learning opportunities in the automotive field. We have program for practicing engineers, engineering college students and also for school children.

Our initiative is automotive student orientation program, aSOP. This program prepares engineering college students to excel in the industry by teaching an effective problem solving process through an innovative curriculum combining “instruct and demonstrate” and “observe and discover” methods involving industry and academia.

Now we have reached a level of maturity in course content and delivery mechanism that enables us to scale up this program. The aSOP curriculum is fully developed now and the course will be delivered through a well established learning management system (LMS). LMS enables us to deliver a significant portion of the program on line. On line delivery improves the learning experience of the students and minimizes the workload of the colleges and SAEINDIA in addition to improving the reach.

Interested institutes may download the registration form and apply for the program to conduct in their institute. Download hosting Form:


For more details, follow the link:


8. Electric Two Wheeler Design Competition:

Engineering students entering the Automotive Industry will need to be equipped with practical knowledge and design experience. ETWDC Prepares the students to be effective professional engineers. Provides a Platform for enhancing Skill Set, competency, Technical Know How in electrification of Two Wheelers.

Electric Two Wheeler Design Competition tasks the students to think, analyse, design, develop, build, test and present in series of event.

First of its Kind in India, the Competition ensures that Students gets a realistic 360-degree workplace experience.

Students gain practical technical experience in the areas

  • Design of Electric drive train & Control systems

  • Two Wheeler performance

  • Manufacturing processes of Assemblies, Parts.

  • Simulation of drive conditions

  • Integration of all Electric Drive systems.


Students develop skills in

  • Communication

  • Leadership

  • Teamwork

  • Risk Management

  • Negotiation.




Participant’s Requirements:

  • Eligibility Limits: Eligibility is limited to undergraduate students to ensure this is an engineering competition. Individual members of teams participating in this competition must satisfy the following requirements.

  • Student Status: Team members must be enrolled as degree seeking undergraduate student in Engineering Institution (Engineering colleges/Universities). Team members who have already graduated prior to the competition are NOT eligible to participate.

  • Society Membership: Team members must be members of SAE INDIA. Proof of membership, such as a valid membership card, is required during the final   event. Those interested may join SAEINDIA at:

  • Age: Team members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age at the time of the competition.

  • Team Size: A team can have a Minimum of 7 & Maximum of 10 Members. It is preferable that the team has good representation of students from 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year and from various department like Mechanical /Production / Automotive/Electrical & Electronics etc.


Awards/Prizes (First/Second/Third):

  • Overall Performance: INR 75,000/50,000/25,000

  • Best Design: INR 15,000/10,000/7,500

  • Best Maneuverability: INR 15,000/10,000/7,500

  • Best Endurance: INR 15,000/10,000/7,500

  • Best Presentation: INR 10,000/7,500/5,500

  • Special Awards: INR 10,000/7,500/5,500


For more details, follow the link:


9. SAE India TIFAN:

SAEINDIA Off-highway board is glad to inform you with the start of our first ever student’s competition program named ‘TIFAN’.

TIFAN stands for “Technology Innovation Forum for Agricultural Nurturing”.

Off-highway board is very happy to initiate this competition targeted to solve the farming challenges using mechanized solutions. It provides platform for connecting the bright and prosperous engineering talent available in the country with the real life challenges of agriculture sector. Through this program students from engineering and agricultural colleges across India will participate in providing innovative solution towards product design & development challenge.



* Including 18% GST



  • Open for All Engineering & Agricultural Engineering undergraduate students

  • Minimum 15 to Maximum 25 students per team

  • Teams to design, develop & demonstrate “Self-Propelled Onion Harvester”

  • Exciting prizes worth up to Rs. 5,00,000 to be won!


For more details, follow the link:


10. SAE India Efficycle:

“EFFI CYCLE” derived from Efficient-Cycle to promote the objective of providing opportunity to the students to conceive, design and fabricate a three-wheel configuration vehicle powered by human-electric hybrid power and capable of seating two passengers catering to the day-to-day mobility needs. The vehicle must be aerodynamic, engineered for performance & safety and ergonomically designed. The objective is to promote innovation and generate consciousness amongst the young engineers towards environment friendly mobility solution.



  • All the team members and faculty advisor should have active and valid SAE membership.

  • Team can have minimum 3 to maximum 5 team members from same institute




Awards worth upto INR 60,000/- to winners (up to 6 awards of INR 10,000/- each)


For more details, follow the link:

SAE INDIA Sections: Following are the sections of SAE India who are conducting the above Student Events.



Northern & Eastern



About SAE India

SAEINDIA is India's leading resource for mobility technology. As an individual member-driven society of mobility practitioners the ownership of SAEINDIA wrests with its members who are Individuals from the mobility community, which includes Engineers Executives from Industry, Government Officials, Academics and Students

SAEINDIA is a strategic alliance partner of SAE International registered in India as an Indian nonprofit engineering and scientific society dedicated to the advancement of mobility industry in India.

Disclaimer: All the above data gathered from SAE/SAE India (, all the logos and titles are belongs to SAE/SAE India, EngMorph does not own any part of the data published in this page and EngMorph is not responsible for the correctness of the information presented. For more information, visit SAE/SAE India website.

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