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The use of Computer Aided Design & Engineering or CAD & CAE Services, are increasing extensively in industry today. As businesses became more competitive, Pressure to decrease product development time, improving quality, and reducing the cost of physical prototypes & testing are driving engineers to use of CAD &CAE Services throughout the product lifecycle. With the help of CAD tools it is very easy to generate and understand various configurations, virtual product functionality tests with motion studies, tolerance stack up analysis of various parts and assemblies, automatic generation of 2D drawings from 3D and manufacturing process & assembly feasibility studies. The CAD models are shared with downstream CAE engineers to simulate for various operating and test conditions virtually, which reduces the expensive prototype testing.


EngMorph offers full range of CAD & CAE Services to the Campuses and Corporate :

CAD Services:


Concept Modeling:

  1. Solid Modeling

  2. Surface Modeling

  3. Assembly Modeling


Model Checking:

  1. Geometry checking

  2. Assembly clearance, Interference and alignment

  3. Intial relative motion studies

  4. Manufacturability


Detailed Drawing:

  1. 2D Drawing generation

  2. Extracting 2D drawing from 3D model or Assembly

  3. Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing

CAE Services:


Geometry and Meshing:

  1. Geometry Cleanup for FEA

  2. Finite Element Modeling


Finite Element Analysis:

  1. Linear structural analysis

  2. Non-Linear structural analysis

  3. Vibration analysis

  4. Durability and Fatigue

  5. Engineering Design Optimization

  6. Thermal analysis


Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

  1. Grid generation

  2. Laminar and turbulent flows

  3. Compressible and incompressible fluid flows

  4. Conjugate heat transfer analysis

  5. Transient analysis

  6. Fluid Structure Interaction

Training at your Place:


Our experts reach out to your campus or corporate office during training period and train you at your free time. Learn along with your academics without wasting your time. Though the program has a time bound, we extend our online support throughout that academic year.


Not just a Software Tool the real Concepts:


The program teaches not just the Software it enlightens the basic physics behind the CAD & CAE tools, so that the trainee can learn any tool quickly and effectively.


" We help you to choose various CAD and CAE tools available in the market and train you professionally to meet the industrial challenges "


Monitoring & Assessing:


We monitor each individual very closely and asses them in every walk of the training program. Based on the assessment we also conduct reorientation if necessary. Cetrificates will be given to all trainees upon successful completion of the program.


If you are looking for Basic to Most advanced CAD & CAE concepts it is for you.  

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