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Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)-2019

Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)-2019
Checkout ARIIA 2019 Rankings
Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)-2019

Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India to systematically rank all major higher educational institutions and universities in India on indicators related to “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development” amongst students and faculties.

Major Indicators for consideration:

Assessment of innovation and startup ecosystem in HEIs will be based on Seven parameters with certain weightages allocated as below.

  • Budget, Expenses to Support & Revenue Generated   (20 Marks).

  • Infrastructures & Facilities to Support Innovations and Start-ups   (10 Marks).

  • Awareness Activities for Promoting Idea Generation and Innovation   (20 Marks).

  • Promotion and Supporting Entrepreneurship Development   (20 Marks).

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Generation, Technology Transfer and Commercialization   (14 Marks).

  • Innovative Learning Methods & Courses   (10 Marks).

  • Innovations in Governance of the Institution   (6 Marks).

ARIIA ranking will certainly inspire Indian institutions to reorient their mind-set and build ecosystems to encourage high quality research, innovation and entrepreneurship. More than quantity, ARIIA will focus on quality of innovations and will try to measure the real impact created by these innovations nationally and internationally. Moreover, ARIIA will set tone and direction for institutions for future development for making them globally competitive and in forefront of innovation .


Salient Features of ARIIA/Framework:

  • The methodology designed to calculate ARIIA metrics considers all major parameters/ indicators used globally to rank education institutions for innovation output. Additionally, ARIIA also measures some parameters which are India specific considering the current scenario and status of higher education in India.

  • The ARIIA parameters are primarily organized in major broad parameters with 7 indicators which are further elaborated into suitable sub-heads. Each broad head has an overall weight assigned to it. Within each head, the various sub-heads also have an appropriate weight distribution.

  • To ensure transparency in ranking system, an attempt is also made to identify the relevant data needed to suitably measure the performance score under each sub-head. Emphasis here is on identifying data that the institution can easily provide or is easy to obtain from third party sources and easily verifiable, wherever verification is needed. The overall score is computed based on the weights allotted to each head.

  • The overall score can take a maximum value of 100.

  • The institutions will be rank-ordered based on their scores.


Eligibility Criteria of ARIIA:

  • All recognized Higher Educational Institutions of India are eligible to participate in the ARIIA ranking.

ARIIA 2019 Rankings: Following are the Institutions ranked on Innovation Achievements for the year 2019.


Top 10 Public Funded Institutions

Rank#1: Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Rank#2: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Rank#3: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Rank#4: Indian Institute of Science

Rank#5: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Rank#6: Institute of Chemical Technology

Rank#7: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Rank#8: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Rank#9: Panjab University

Rank#10: Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad


Top 5 Private Institutions

Rank#1: Vellore Institute of Technology

Rank#2: Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Khordha

Rank#3: S.R.M. Institute of Science And Technology

Rank#4: Jss Academy of Higher Education & Research

Rank#5: Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science And Technology


For more information on ranking procedure, Parameters, Committee and other details please follow the “ARIIA” button below.


The buzzword across the globe for the 21st century is ‘Innovation’. In the simplest term, Innovation could be defined as converting ideas into new or improved products, processes and services. Undoubtedly, Innovation is about taking inventions to marketplace by translating scientific knowledge into products, services and offerings for economic growth and social development. Even, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India has declared decade 2010-20 as the ‘Decade of Innovation’, to unleash the creative potential of every Indian. India has already been improving on global stage in terms of Innovation ranking from 86th place, 5 years ago, to 57th place this year.

Disclaimer: All the above data is gathered from the ARIIA (, all the logos and titles are belongs to ARIIA, EngMorph does not own any part of the data published in this page and EngMorph is not responsible for the correctness of the information presented. For more information, visit the ARIIA website.

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