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Fourth National Finite Element Developers (NAFED)/FEAST Users Meet 2019

Fourth National Finite Element Developers (NAFED)/ FEAST Users Meet 2019

Users Meet date: 9th December 2019 (One day)

Fourth National Finite Element Developers (NAFED)/FEAST Users Meet 2019

Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Indian Space Research Organization, Thiruvananthapuram, is organizing its fourth National Finite Element Developers' / FEASTSMT users' meet (NAFED-2019) on December 09, 2019, at DAE Convention Centre, Mumbai. The objective of the meet is to bring together domain experts and software engineers working in the area of finite element methods and related numerical computational techniques in India.

FEASTSMT software is designed based on the principle of user friendliness in creating finite element models and analyzing the results.

The meet will aid in exchange of ideas, which will directly and indirectly contribute in capability enhancements of PreWin/FEASTSMT software. Meanwhile, Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) have been signed and many more are under various stages of processes for collaborative development between VSSC and national institutes such as IITs, IISc, IIST, DAE etc., to enhance the software features and capabilities.

Who Can Apply?

Faculty members, Postdocs, Students(UG/PG/PhD) and scientists or engineering departments, research organizations, industries, users of FEAST software and developers of finite element method are eligible to submit their recent contributions. Participation in NAFED2019 is not restricted to paper/poster presenting delegates. Research teams/individuals who are willing to participate in a collaborative effort to enhance the existing capabilities of FEAST software can also apply.

Paper Submission:

Those who are interested in presenting papers need to upload extended abstracts and final presentation online using url:



All the delegates need to fill in the details in prescribed format given in annexure and email it to


Registration is Free.


Confirmation of participation will be intimated by registered e-mail.

Important Dates:

  • Submission of extended abstracts: 01st November, 2019

  • Acceptance of extended abstract: 08th November, 2019

  • Submission of presentation: 18th November, 2018

  • Acceptance of presentation: 24th November, 2019


DAE Convention Centre, Anushakthi Nagar, Mumbai

Conference Chair:

Head, FSDD/SDAG/STR/VSSC Thiruvananthapuram,

Kerala - 695 022

Phone: +91 -471 -256 4207 / 5511 / 5006



For more information on Registration dates, Topics of the conference, Abstract and Full Paper submission, Conference Fees and other details click on the "Brochure/Website" button below.


FEASTSMT   (Finite Element Analysis of Structures) is ISRO's structural analysis software based on Finite Element Method (FEM) realized by Structural Engineering Entity of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC).  The software is developed in C++ Programming Language based on Object Oriented (OO) principles.  Substructured and Multi-Threaded (SMT) implementation of the solver ensures high performance of the software to the end users.

Disclaimer: All the above data is gathered from NAFED/FEAST, all the logos and titles are belongs to NAFED/FEAST, EngMorph does not own any part of the data published in this page and EngMorph is not responsible for the correctness of the information presented. For more information, visit the NAFED/FEAST website.

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